Monday, June 16, 2008

Marking the Difference

So I started this blog as a way to direct those of you on blogger - so that you knew where to go for my regular posting about general struggles with infertility.

And I hope it continues to help me in that way.

I have decided though that maybe I should use this as a place to keep track of my OTHER health issues.

Yup, I suffer from more than infertility.

I have fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Anemia and I'm going to Docs to figure out why I am shaking for no apparent reason.

I know its kind of odd to have the same name as my main blog but its to keep it all together. If I could figure out how to import posts there would be more here...but I can't so I guess this will be the beginning.

I am in week three of a Lycira trial.

Today I am dizzy, shaky, can't concentrate. I woke up and my feet still hurt.

Ohh I should probably explain that- the absolute worst pain for me is right when I wake up in the morning. I usually feel like I was hit by a tractor and my feet were put in a vice. So the morning that I wake up without that feeling- is when I'll know that this stuff is working.

Today I just feel stupid and slow. I have gotten two phone calls today. Both in reference to these appointments that I have tomorrow and seriously I think they must think I'm some sort of idiot or something. I just couldn't' grasp what they were asking me. The first call was the referral office asking if I had my appointment with neurologist. I was fine with that but then she mentioned the referral letter that I am going to have to bring to the office. I know I got it and I put it somewhere so that I could bring it with me.

So what's the problem?

I have no idea where that somewhere is.

So she said that I could go Online and print it out. So I do, I go through the whole registration process (which was frustrating in and of itself- I forgot my Husbands SSN. That is absolutely ridiculous because I use it for everything military related) and it tells me that I have already registered. So I have no idea about what the user name is much less the password that they require you change ever 150 days. So I called them and the man asked me questions that I should know without even thinking about it. It was really pathetic. Anyway so he basically tell me me that I need to email the webmaster (which I hope he/she understands what I'm askin-- that was a bit repetitive as well). I hope he gets back to me today. Lord only knows with these people. They don't really care I think.

So today is a "bad" day for the Fog and the vision. I have some other problems but that would entirely too much information so I'll keep that to myself.

Ohh I need to make a follow up appointment with my internal medicine. I'm glad I reminded myself LOL.

Anyway that I how I'm feeling today.


Barb said...

I'm sorry Melissa. :( It's not fair at all.

Me said...

My husband took Lyrica for about a year ... it did help quite a bit with decreasing the shooting nerve pains. I recently saw a commercial adocating it's use for fibromyalsia and thought of you. I hope it works as well for you as it did for Zeno!