Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Been to the Dr

So today I had my Neurology appointment. Let me tell you I got lost and I was almost late (for once I am thankful that the clock in the car is fast). Whew. I must note that my Doc reminds me of what I picture a small town doc to look like. He even had all the "old school" basic stuff.. like for blood pressure cuff with the whatchamacallit that he listens with.

So today Ohh geez what a day health wise. I forgot where I set the referral so I could remember it and I was up until three in the morning looking. I was awakened at 430 to bring the hubbs man to work and I came back home and let out all the doggies and got ready. I was sitting down and lost all feeling in my feet... seriously! When I got there he asked me what my history was ... what meds I was on, how long I was on them, what were the previous meds, etc.

So the determination is that we have to submit another request into the void that is TriCare and hope for a speedy approval for a MRI on my head and top of my spinal column. My next appt is to follow up with my PCM and I am debating bringing up baby issues--- yes or no? Just in anticipation of the hubs gettin ready to talk.

Im pooped... so I'll have to sign off

TTFN blogging fiends...errr.. I meant friends ;)