Friday, June 20, 2008

I think this may be working!

So i woke up this morning.. still tired and with the crazy fog BUT the pain in my feet was less!

That's showing some progress. They still hurt a bit, but it was more of a throbbing pain then then the shooting pain that is normal!

I do think that my body is well on its way to adjusting to this stuff too because even though I am on 300mg a day, I am feeling less dizzy. So that certainly is a step in the right direction.
Just to note other symptoms that I am having: Still some blurred vision-even with my glasses on or my contacts in. Sometimes its rather disconcerting but it is what it is. I am having major water retention. I am not sure if that is an effect of the meds or just my regular menstual cycle but I have gained about four lbs since I started this so it went from 102 to 107. I am not really worried about that since I've lost alot of healthy weight since we moved here (I was at 117-120 which is the "normal" weight for my height). The bloated feeling though: not likin that too much. I look like I am pregnant- and as much as I would like to be- im not. My hips hurt like a mother --- along with my wrists and ankles. I think the stress is getting to my upper shoulders and neck area cause it just feels really tight- REMINDER to self- tell doc at next appointment!

So thats just this morning- if I remember I'll post again tonight on the effects of the day.

Now if sleep would just rest me then I'll be perfectly content with my health situation as it is at that point-- at least that's the goal.


In other health news (for me anyway) I got a call from the Neurologist's. Apparently the records office here will not release my CT scans and bloodwork to them and was told that it would be faster if *I* requested the records to be sent.

Does this mark anyone as strange? I mean I was referred to this doctor by the system and they can't even send the relevant bloodwork and scans needed for my care?

Jacked UP! Ok that was a kick back to the old days. Who even says "jacked up" any more?

So I have to find some time to battle the records office.