So I was feeling like the lycira was progressively getting better but I think I have reached a plateau.
During the day... I have moments where I am thinking to myself that I feel pretty good but then it gets snatched away with a twitch (usually in my fingers, wrists or ankles).
And I am still waking up with alot of pain in my feet.
The fog is still moderate (but I don't think that lycira is supposed to help with that).
Is this supposed to cause water retention? Cause seriously at night my feet don't look swollen but try and get them into some shoes outside of flip-flops and it is seriously snug. And let me not forget to mention the serious bloat around my mid-section---yeah.. thats loads of fun.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Stalling out
Posted by dayzofrain at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fibro Fog, Fibromyalgia, Lycira
Friday, June 20, 2008
I think this may be working!
So i woke up this morning.. still tired and with the crazy fog BUT the pain in my feet was less!
That's showing some progress. They still hurt a bit, but it was more of a throbbing pain then then the shooting pain that is normal!
I do think that my body is well on its way to adjusting to this stuff too because even though I am on 300mg a day, I am feeling less dizzy. So that certainly is a step in the right direction.
Just to note other symptoms that I am having: Still some blurred vision-even with my glasses on or my contacts in. Sometimes its rather disconcerting but it is what it is. I am having major water retention. I am not sure if that is an effect of the meds or just my regular menstual cycle but I have gained about four lbs since I started this so it went from 102 to 107. I am not really worried about that since I've lost alot of healthy weight since we moved here (I was at 117-120 which is the "normal" weight for my height). The bloated feeling though: not likin that too much. I look like I am pregnant- and as much as I would like to be- im not. My hips hurt like a mother --- along with my wrists and ankles. I think the stress is getting to my upper shoulders and neck area cause it just feels really tight- REMINDER to self- tell doc at next appointment!
So thats just this morning- if I remember I'll post again tonight on the effects of the day.
Now if sleep would just rest me then I'll be perfectly content with my health situation as it is at that point-- at least that's the goal.
In other health news (for me anyway) I got a call from the Neurologist's. Apparently the records office here will not release my CT scans and bloodwork to them and was told that it would be faster if *I* requested the records to be sent.
Does this mark anyone as strange? I mean I was referred to this doctor by the system and they can't even send the relevant bloodwork and scans needed for my care?
Jacked UP! Ok that was a kick back to the old days. Who even says "jacked up" any more?
So I have to find some time to battle the records office.
Posted by dayzofrain at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Been to the Dr
So today I had my Neurology appointment. Let me tell you I got lost and I was almost late (for once I am thankful that the clock in the car is fast). Whew. I must note that my Doc reminds me of what I picture a small town doc to look like. He even had all the "old school" basic stuff.. like for blood pressure cuff with the whatchamacallit that he listens with.
So today Ohh geez what a day health wise. I forgot where I set the referral so I could remember it and I was up until three in the morning looking. I was awakened at 430 to bring the hubbs man to work and I came back home and let out all the doggies and got ready. I was sitting down and lost all feeling in my feet... seriously! When I got there he asked me what my history was ... what meds I was on, how long I was on them, what were the previous meds, etc.
So the determination is that we have to submit another request into the void that is TriCare and hope for a speedy approval for a MRI on my head and top of my spinal column. My next appt is to follow up with my PCM and I am debating bringing up baby issues--- yes or no? Just in anticipation of the hubs gettin ready to talk.
Im pooped... so I'll have to sign off
TTFN blogging fiends...errr.. I meant friends ;)
Posted by dayzofrain at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Marking the Difference
So I started this blog as a way to direct those of you on blogger - so that you knew where to go for my regular posting about general struggles with infertility.
And I hope it continues to help me in that way.
I have decided though that maybe I should use this as a place to keep track of my OTHER health issues.
Yup, I suffer from more than infertility.
I have fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Anemia and I'm going to Docs to figure out why I am shaking for no apparent reason.
I know its kind of odd to have the same name as my main blog but its to keep it all together. If I could figure out how to import posts there would be more here...but I can't so I guess this will be the beginning.
I am in week three of a Lycira trial.
Today I am dizzy, shaky, can't concentrate. I woke up and my feet still hurt.
Ohh I should probably explain that- the absolute worst pain for me is right when I wake up in the morning. I usually feel like I was hit by a tractor and my feet were put in a vice. So the morning that I wake up without that feeling- is when I'll know that this stuff is working.
Today I just feel stupid and slow. I have gotten two phone calls today. Both in reference to these appointments that I have tomorrow and seriously I think they must think I'm some sort of idiot or something. I just couldn't' grasp what they were asking me. The first call was the referral office asking if I had my appointment with neurologist. I was fine with that but then she mentioned the referral letter that I am going to have to bring to the office. I know I got it and I put it somewhere so that I could bring it with me.
So what's the problem?
I have no idea where that somewhere is.
So she said that I could go Online and print it out. So I do, I go through the whole registration process (which was frustrating in and of itself- I forgot my Husbands SSN. That is absolutely ridiculous because I use it for everything military related) and it tells me that I have already registered. So I have no idea about what the user name is much less the password that they require you change ever 150 days. So I called them and the man asked me questions that I should know without even thinking about it. It was really pathetic. Anyway so he basically tell me me that I need to email the webmaster (which I hope he/she understands what I'm askin-- that was a bit repetitive as well). I hope he gets back to me today. Lord only knows with these people. They don't really care I think.
So today is a "bad" day for the Fog and the vision. I have some other problems but that would entirely too much information so I'll keep that to myself.
Ohh I need to make a follow up appointment with my internal medicine. I'm glad I reminded myself LOL.
Anyway that I how I'm feeling today.
Posted by dayzofrain at 2:55 PM 2 comments
Labels: Fibro Fog, Fibromyalgia, FM, Lycira, Military Healthcare